• Western Bulldogs/'Generation M'

    Contemplating horses. Photo: Nasya Bahfen
    The Western Bulldogs are another example of an AFL club who are embedded in their community. Their 'Generation M' project of building community resilience through sport and leadership follows on from a previous one called 'More Than A Game' which the side delivered with Newport Islamic Society (NIS). Generation M is funded through the Federal Attorney General Department's Building Community Resilience program.

    The horseriding event depicted below (head to the original album here if the slideshow doesn't work) was a part of this project, as was the MUJU Peace Club - the combined Muslim/Jewish Aussie Rules side who won last year's Unity Cup, were runners-up this year, and fielded the winning side in the women's exhibition game. The photos were taken by me and the wonderfully talented Rashid AlShakshir who I taught at RMIT for his Masters in Journalism and who is one of the leaders of Youth Victoria (a partner of the Bulldogs for this project, together with NIS).

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